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Secret Breakfast

Notice - This article is a mess:
  • This article does not yet fit the standards of other articles on this wiki, it is recommended that it be cleaned up soon!
Notice - This article is unfinished:
  • This article is not yet considered finished, the information on it may still be useful enough to leave draft stage, but it requires more to be "complete".

Server - Secret Breakfast

Established: 2020
Game: Team Fortress 2
Status: Online

Secret Breakfast is a Team Fortress 2 SCG Server that servers as an alternative to Front Line Fudge. It is a 24/7 MvM server that also runs Rafmod, though this server is capped at 6 players, and does not use difficulty modifiers.




Donation Perks

Map Options

  • Rating maps
  • Voting and nominating maps

AFK Manager


Secret Breakfast was originally established for the purpose of testing Rafmod before it was installed on FLF. It was a perfect duplicate of the FLF server (at the time). For a short time, it was used to test custom weapons. On August 15th, 2022, it was renamed to Secret Breakfast to help celebrate 10 years of MvM.


  • Secret Breakfast is a type of Ice Cream, and originally was used as the name of the Discord server, until it was changed to "The Observatory"
  • Internally, this server is referred to as "Front Line Pain"